The Wrong Woman

Chapter 439

Chapter 439

Chapter 439

“Nate, it’s Wanda. Lucas and Oliver, along with a group of armed thugs, have forcibly entered my home and planted explosives throughout the house. My grandparents, Phoebe, Simon, Dan, and Sienna are also here with me. We're being held hostage.

“They're demanding 50 billion and have threatened to detonate the explosives if we call the police. They’ve arranged for a helicopter in the backyard for their escape.”

After sending the message, Mila quickly switched off the virtual computer screen and hid the necklace under her shirt collar. Seeing nothing unusual outside, she left the bathroom and returned to her room.

She wasn’t certain if Nathan would receive the message or what action he might take whether he would notify the authorities or organize a rescue mission. Everything was uncertain.

As time passed, Mila’s anxiety mounted as she remained unsure about the situation with the others. She paced in her room. Suddenly, she heard the sounds of scuffling and the curses of men coming from the room next door.

In a panic, Mila hurried to open the door, only to find a man standing guard aiming his gun at her. His expression threatening as he commanded, “Get back inside.”

Mila cautiously peered outside and asked, “What’s happening? Who's fighting?”

Achorus of aggressive male voices erupted from the nearby room. “I like feisty ones like you. Come on, fight me. I'll fuck you to death.”

Then, Phoebe’s furious scream pierced through the chaos. “Don’t you dare touch me! You disgusting scum!”

Mila’s heart clenched. She ignored the man aiming a gun at her head and pushed her way out. She couldn’t bear the sounds of Phoebe being hit, her struggles, and her screams of pain. It felt like her heart was being ripped apart.

At that moment, Mila didn’t care about her own safety anymore. If anyone dared to hurt Phoebe, Mila would immediately seek revenge, even if it meant sacrificing herself.

“Go ahead. Shoot me if you dare,” Mila spat out as she glared at the man holding the gun. Tears brimmed in her eyes. She pushed him away forcefully and dashed to the next room, which was unguarded.

As she flung the door open, her heart sank at the sight of two men hurting Phoebe. Phoebe lay on the ground, battered and bleeding, her clothes torn.

The two shirtless men were struggling to undo their pants when they were startled by Mila’s sudden appearance. In a flash, their expressions shifted to cold and malicious.

Mila trembled as fury surged through her like scorching lava which seared her heart. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Worried about Mila’s safety, Phoebe fought and shouted, “Mila, don’t worry about me. Get out of here!”



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hardened as she slammed the door closed.

The two menacing men moved closer to Mila while licking ihelyias: One of ep) cemarited- Seems like weNe found ourselves another pretty one.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Mila strode toward the men with confidence. Her hand reached forthe pen gun cunningly AisGuiséd Sea heirpin in Ker hair. With swift movements, she lunged at one of the men and pressed the The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

pen gun against his chest.

A suppressed gunshot resounded, and the first man crum led toe, ground jastantiye the er man stadd frozen. He was shocked by his partner's sudden collapse. The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

Shortly after, another shot rang out. The second man dropped to the ground with a thud louder than the gunshot itself.

Phoebe watched in astonishment. Mila seemed strangely unfamiliar to her at that moment.

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