Read I Can See Your Combat Power Novel

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

2 Chapter 2: Gonna Die Gonna Die Gonna Die

Translator: 549690339

“Sweetie, come out for dinner.” A woman’s gentle call echoed from behind the door. It was his mother’s


Usually the servants would call for him. Today, it was his mother who came in person, it was evident

that his talent succession from Martial Saint Mountain has actually deeply concerned her.

Tang Luo shook his head, stood up, and eased the gloom in his heart, pulling out a smile. There was

no reason to worry his family over a few words from an outsider.

Tang Luo’s family belongs to the third branch of the Tang Clan. Apart from his father, Tang Sen, his

aunt, Tang Man, had married into the Zhongzhou region and moved away. So now the third branch

consisted only of Tang Luo’s family – his father Tang Sen, his mother Xu Shuhui, his younger brother

Tang Xing, his younger sister Tang Nuannuan, and himself.

Although they were not a large family, the atmosphere was still warm. His gentle mother took a light-

hearted view of many issues, placing the utmost importance on her family. Influenced by her, the three

siblings got along harmoniously despite their varying ages.

Their father, Tang Sen, is the Sect Head of the Martial Hall. Today, the Tang Clan was receiving guests

from Martial Saint Mountain, and a large crowd of clansmen have gathered. To maintain order and

prevent chaos, the responsibility of overseeing the clan and city defenses fell on him. Hence, he wasn’t

present at the banquet; otherwise, with his protective nature, he would probably end up arguing with Bu


His younger brother, Tang Xing, at only nine years old, greatly admired Tang Luo and held his brother

as his idol. Tang Xing aspired to achieve great things in the martial arts world, wanting to become a

genius like his brother.

His younger sister, Tang Nuannuan, was only five years old. She was a chubby, cute little girl, who was

the most pampered member of their family. However, under their mother’s guidance, she hadn’t turned

into a spoiled princess but was a girl with a kind and gentle heart. Most of all, she loved hugging her

family and her pets.

Yet today, the dinner table was rather quiet, Tang Luo thought.

During regular meals, even though their father was always busy with his own thoughts, his younger

brother would always have many questions for him. His mother would always join in their conversation,

and even though his little sister didn’t understand, she would still gravitate towards him. Why was

tonight’s dinner so quiet?

While his father continued to eat meticulously as usual, his lively brother remained unusually silent,

focused on gobbling up his own food. His adorable sister seemed to have been instructed by someone

and was quietly eating in her high chair, occasionally giving him a pitiful look before returning back to

her meal. His mother, however, was excessively enthusiastic, constantly adding food to his bowl. The

food in his bowl was heaped so high it was about to overflow.

“Mother, don’t add anymore. This mountain’s about to collapse.” Tang Luo looked at his bowl, piled with

four large pork ribs, and was rendered speechless.

Xu Shuhui was startled and finally noticed the amount of food piled on Tang Luo’s bowl.

“Oh dear, it’s mommy’s fault. Actually, your father wanted to talk to you.” Xu Shuhui had been too

engrossed in giving Tang Sen signals that she hadn’t noticed the amount of food she had heaped onto

their son’s plate. Meanwhile, in response to her signals, Tang Sen pretended not to notice and

continued eating, which infuriated her.

Now that her son had complained, she naturally directed her anger at her husband. Her face held a

gentle, apologetic smile, but under the table, she gently kicked Tang Sen’s foot, creating a muffled


A “thump” sounded, attracting Tang Xing and Tang Nuannuan’s attention, who both lifted their heads in

confusion, looking towards Tang Sen.

The situation instantly turned awkward.

Despite this, Tang Sen, a seasoned Sect Head, remained composed. He put down his bowl and spoke

with a calm and deep voice,

“Luo, your father has something to tell you.”

Oh? Even his usually reticent father wanted to talk to him. This made Tang Luo somewhat curious.

“Your father found an ancient text, it said that the Innate Hollow Body could not absorb Spiritual Energy,

so it is impossible to cultivate to the Mortal Realm.” So, it’s impossible for you to have an Innate Hollow

Body. Well, Tang Sen was quite self-satisfied with his explanation and picked up his chopsticks again.

Yet, this short commentary infuriated Xu Shuhui sitting next to him. Is this idiot only capable of thinking

about martial arts? He was asked to comfort their son, look at what he has said instead!

Xu Shuhui, with a smile on her face, agreed with Tang Sen’s words. While she continued to say “yes,

yes, yes,” her foot under the table launched a barrage of attacks on Tang Sen’s leg.

The person involved was taken aback.

It’s about this? Tang Luo chuckled inwardly. He could feel his family’s concern. They were all worried

about him being devastated by the words of the disciple from Martial Saint Mountain.

True, after all, he was now a thirteen-year-old teenager, and having his future abruptly denied by

someone with such a high status from Martial Saint Mountain – how could a normal person not feel

disappointed and depressed?

However, as someone who had actually already lived for almost forty years, he considered Bu Xiao’s

words nothing more than hot air. Yet the sight of his family being so careful and considerate of his

feelings and his busy father going through ancient texts because of this issue genuinely moved him.

Just as he was about to respond, someone else jumped in, more excited than he was.

Tang Xing, who had looked somewhat downcast, suddenly brightened up as if stars had sparkled in his

eyes, and eagerly asked, “Really, Father! That’s fantastic, I knew my brother is a genuine genius.” He

reacted as if it was not Tang Luo who had been denounced by Bu Xiao, but himself. novelbin

Tang Luo stretched out his hand to rub his younger brother’s head, speaking lightly, “Yes, yes, yes, eat

your food.”

“Mmm-hmm!” In Tang Xing’s eyes, having his head rubbed seemed a great honor, and he dove back

into his bowl, eating with renewed gusto.

Tang Luo was not considered weak by any means; he was still a genius.

The entire meal took on a much livelier atmosphere. Tang Nuannuan, who had been feeling upset, also

stretched out her chubby little hand, asking to be held while eating.

Looking at the harmonious scene before him, Tang Luo’s eyes suddenly welled up. He quickly shook

his head, cutting himself off. He was almost forty years old, and yet he was being moved by these

simple gestures! If he cried, he would feel utterly embarrassed.

“Thank you, Father.” Sincerely thanking Tang Sen, as a mentally mature and solitary person, calling

someone in their thirties ‘Father’ felt a bit reluctant. However, the love from Tang Sen and Xu Shuhui

throughout his growing-up years had melted the cold, matured heart he had. Although he was not

comfortable using affectionate terms like ‘Daddy’ or ‘Mommy’, the respect in his voice when he called

them ‘Father’ and ‘Mother’ was real.

Tang Sen nodded in satisfaction. If his son didn’t respond, his wife might have kicked his leg under the

table. He quickly moved his leg away from Xu Shuhui’s attack and wrapped his around hers.

In an incidental glance exchanged between the couple, Tang Sen sent a message – the First Head of

the Martial Hall was proposing a truce and begging Xu Shuhui to stop. Look, our son agrees that my

comfort is useful, don’t kick anymore.

Xu Shuhui snorted lightly to signal acceptance. How could a defeated general be brave? She pulled

her leg back, and feeling elated, she picked up chubby Nuan Nuan and gave her a kiss.

“Finally, we can eat normally. What we must do first is to conquer this mountain of dishes,” said Tang

Luo, looking at his bowl of food with a serious expression.

After dinner, the five-year-old girl was full of energy. Even after her day time physical training, she

would recover all of her energy by night.

Xu Shuhui, once a well-known heroine when she was young, got lazy with her martial arts practice after

getting married. Her greatest happiness every day now was to tease her children. So after dinner, she

took Tang Nuannuan to the Xiling Night Market.

The remaining three men left, and the large Tang Clan mansion was quiet again.

Upon returning to his room, Tang Luo was raring to go. They say that a family is the best support for a

career, and he agreed.

His despondent mindset vanished. With such a supportive family behind him, were these small

difficulties really a big deal?

Full of ambition, his spirit was high.

Tang Luo sat cross-legged on the bed and looked inward. His Dantian was void, with thousands of

strands of Spiritual Energy slowly rotating around the Star Core, like a spiral galaxy within his body. It

was as beautiful as a Virgin Nebula – a sight to behold.

Tang Luo gazed at it with a serious expression.

After a long time…a really long time.

…He gained nothing.

You wouldn’t believe it, but he stared blankly at a vortex for half an hour.

“I can’t see anything out of this,” he said.

Tang Luo seemed a little disheartened. His Spiritual Energy looked quite normal. It only decreased after

he had a fight.

But then it occurred to him – if his energy decreases every time he fights, how can he stand in the

martial arts world?

When that time comes, while others have nicknames like The Mountain Tiger or The Dragon Slayer,

what would he be called? Tang Onetime?

No, no, no, Tang Luo shuddered at the thought. Even if it’s just to avoid being called Tang Onetime, he

had to fix this issue.

With his mind settled and tranquil, Tang Luo began to carefully examine his martial arts journey.

First of all, there was definitely no problem with the technique.

All the direct male descendants of Tang family practice the Heavenly Pathway Technique, which is a

highly regarded Mysterious State Technique that can be systematically cultivated to reach the Fierce


The distinction of whether a technique is good is first determined by its limit. Techniques that only allow

practitioners to reach Mortal Realm are Mortal-Level techniques. Those that can be cultivated to reach

the Transcendental State are Yellow Rank. This is the level of technique that most people practice.

Then, there are Mysterious State Techniques that can be cultivated to reach the Fierce Realm. In

ascending order, there are also Earth-Level Techniques and Heaven-Level Techniques, which have

traces that can be found and followed.

Saint-Level Techniques are folklore. They are said to allow practice up to the Saint Realm, but no one

has seen them. They’re similar to a virtuous, wealthy, attractive, merciful and seductive virgin.

Techniques that come without accompanying killing techniques are not deemed good. A Mortal Realm

martial artist practicing a Yellow Rank technique, regardless of whether they practice Fierce Bull Fist or

Ruyi Knife, if they encounter an Mortal Realm martial artist who practices a Mortal Level Technique like

the Black Tiger Technique along with its killing technique, Black Tiger Claw, unless the former is a

battle genius, they will be beaten to a pulp.

In summary, a good technique must come with a killing technique, otherwise, it will always lack some


As for the best techniques from martial arts holy lands, not only do they come with killing techniques,

but also healing techniques and movement techniques. Some even come with secret techniques in the

unique school’s teaching. These are known as top-level techniques.

The Heavenly Pathway Technique of the Tang Family is a Mysterious State technique that comes with

a killing technique. It’s a straightforward and robust palm technique called Tongtian Domination Scroll

which can smash gems and break jade. This technique serves as Tang Clan’s foundation. Tang Luo

has managed to fight evenly with the young disciples of Martial Saint Mountain by practicing this palm


The technique is definitely not an issue. Before practicing the Heavenly Pathway Technique, Tang Luo

also tried to practice other Yellow-Level and Mortal-Level Techniques. The fact has proven that there is

no essential difference in body tempering at the Mortal Realm stage no matter which technique you

use. The development of martial arts over thousands of years has shown no secret in the Mortal

Realm. Even if you buy a technique from a martial arts school for self-practice, reaching the peak of

Mortal Realm is assured.

The killing technique is even less of a problem. The Tongtian Domination Scroll is not only practiced by

him. There are hundreds of direct clansmen in the Tang Clan who practice this palm technique. They all

have no problem, so it wouldn’t be practical for him to be the only one with issues.

It could only be that there’s a problem with my Dantian. Now only this innate matter remained.

The expression on Tang Luo’s face was that of confusion.

I knew there is no such thing as a pie dropping from the sky. This Star Core, which divides one flow of

Spiritual Energy into three, must be a trap.

Tang Luo collapsed on the bed in despair. He was desperate…

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