Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

Chatper 176

Chatper 176

Book Two Chapter Twenty–Two


I had a goofy smile on my face even after Aspen had to leave. He was so apologetic for not being able

to drive me to work, that my heart swelled with something I knew couldn’t be love yet. But I wanted it to

be. I wanted to love him and for him to love me.

I skipped as I got ready for work. It was less dreadful since I have seeing Aspen to keep me motivated.

He was the light at the end of a very long day.

I was daydreaming about the sex Aspen and I had this morning as I locked the apartment door. Sarah

came running down the hallway and pulled me from my dirty thoughts. She was panting as she

stopped in front of me. She braced herself with a hand on the wall.

I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for her to tell me what was going on. She went out this

morning to meet with our guy who sells us descenter pills. We were almost out and we needed them to

blend into the pack.

“Sarah, I need to get to work. Aspen was called away and couldn’t drive me.” I tried to walk past her but

she stopped me.

“We have to leave. My guy didn’t show up and the Luna was at the mall. I asked around and the pack

has warriors looking for the dealers. We have to go now, Tessa.” She exclaimed.

She went to open the door while I stood there in shock. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to run

anymore. I had Aspen.

“We can find someone else,” I rushed out as I followed behind her and




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closed the door.

“And what if we get caught? Do you really think the alpha will have any choice but to give us back? He

won’t go to war for us, Tess. I know you like Aspen but we need to move on.” She demanded. Tears ran

down my cheeks as I looked at my best friend. My best friend, who without question, ran away with me.

Packs on the other side of the country are run differently than they are here. Women born in ranks.

don’t have a say in who their mates are. We go to whomever our father’s deans worthy. And the man

who my father had lined up for me was a monster. He was also fifteen years my senior.

“Hey, I know you don’t want to leave him, but right now we don’t have a choice.” She gripped my arms

and I didn’t realize I had closed my eyes. She was standing in front of me with misty eyes.

“Let’s pack what we need.”

I cried as I packed a backpack and dressed in my warmest clothes. Sarah and I were headed to the

bus station to get on the earliest bus out of there. I don’t know where we are going but for the first time,

I didn’t


After meeting Aspen, I pushed him away for this reason but I couldn’t help the pull I felt towards him.

He made it easy to forget all about my shitty life before him. And now the pain in my heart was too

much to bear as I watched Sarah unhook both our keys and set them on the


“I know, babe. Come on, we need to leave.” I walked beside her on autopilot as we left the apartment

building for the last time.

When we left our old pack, I couldn’t wait to leave but now, this felt like home. Aspen felt like home.

And I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Why did my life have to be so complicated?

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Tw Chapter Twenty Top

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“The bus leaves soon and is boarding. We are going to one small town before we switch busses,” she

explained but I was only half listening. I knew the plan. We would bus jump for a few days before

finding a city we could blend into.

“Come on, Tess, I’ll buy you some snacks before we leave.” She wrapped her arms around my

shoulders before kissing my temple. I nodded, knowing she was trying to make me feel better, but not

even chocolate could fix the hole in my chest.

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